The 2 Great Commandments

 Buenas tardes a todos!!! It has been awhile and a lot has happened but things are going great! I got a new companion back in mid January named Elder Godfrey and I stayed here in Gilroy to finish my last transfer here which is nuts. I'm loving it here though our friend from my last email Miguel got baptized on the 29th of January and it was so amazing to see. Miguel has taught me a lot about the importance of loving God and loving your fellow men in his great humility and faith he has. In a lesson with him with one of our members we were sharing more on tithing. The lesson wasn't even about tithing but I'll share a little bit about Miguel's background first. Hes a 19 year old from Guerrero, Mexico and his first language is a mexican dialect. A lot of latinos come to America to live a better life and live the american dream and as well to provide more money to send for their families back home, it can be very difficult to cross the border so a lot will hire "coyotes" to get them across, however it comes with a cost. This was Miguel's situation and he owes $12,000 for it that he pays monthly. We asked what would happen if he didn't pay the $12,000 in time on the monthly payments or at all and he told us the coyote is connected to the cartel in mexico so if he failed payment there's a great potential risk the cartel would kill his family back in Guerrero. Of course with this situation going on there was no need for Miguel to pay tithing for the moment until he was in a better situation and he proceeded forward to get baptized. While having the lesson he randomly brought up tithing and said he could pay a little bit every month, we told him to not worry about it right now but he said he wanted to and that he'd have enough and said he knows God will provide and "no pasa nada" which means don't worry about it which is the phrase he says just about to every commitment haha. He wanted to because he loves god and he puts others and their needs first even though he may very much be the one in great need but he knows God will always keep his promises as we give our ALL to Him. Miguel's faith amazed me and it has carried throughout these last couple weeks in our companionship. Elder Godfrey and I have seen a lot of small tender mercies and miracles of the Lord in the work in people we've met to seeing their countenances brighten or their sadness or stress turn to joy, whether we said a prayer, read a scripture, or testified of Jesus Christ with them. We just looked to better live the 2 great commandments like Miguel and we saw the attitude and desires of us and those we met to better want to follow the example of Jesus Christ. 

This will probably be my last email as I leave next Tuesday, so I'll leave yall with my testimony that I know that God loves each and every one of us, that He has a plan of happiness for each and everyone of us to return to live with Him with our families through the great Mediator Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ lives and His grace and power is so real and will heal us of all struggles and challenges we face. I know who I am because of Him and He gives us purpose in this life and how we may achieve peace in the life and the life to come. I know that my Savior cleanses us of all sin and does not reflect on our past. I know Atonement of Jesus Christ is so real and I know in Christ's infinite mercy he has once again restored His Church and Gospel here on this earth in these last days. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God and that the Book of Mormon is true and brings power and change against the adversary in our lives. I know Jesus Christ and His restored Gospel bring true joy and that He always will bring me safety through the covenants I've made with Him. I know the temple is the house of the Lord and the covenants we make there bind us with our Savior Jesus Christ and gives us power to overcome the world and the adversary. I know who my Savior Jesus Christ is and to whom I can always trust. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

It 's been a phenomenal two years
Jesucristo vive y les quiero muchos!!
Elder Plumb


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