A Test of Faith and Embracing Your Inner Buffalo

 Como estamos!!!

The work is going good here in Gilroy and we have seen some good stuff happen lately. I have a new companion whose name is Elder Johnson and we are nearing the end of the transfer together and will probably go another which would make it my last one which is weird to think about. 

A miracle we saw last week, after not having a lot of progress with our friends since maria's baptism, was with our friend Miguel and his uncle Zacario. We had received a referral from the Spanish sisters in Hollister about him wanting to learn more Spanish which is ironic with him being from Mexico but his first language is actually Mixteco which is a dialect down there. However when we met him, he could communicate pretty good and after telling us about wanting to learn more Spanish we asked if he was down to do it at our church 5 minutes away and so he grabbed  his uncle to give him a ride and had a really good discussion. With them knowing simpler spanish words we pulled out a whiteboard and started by simplifying words like "church, gospel, scriptures, faith, etc which lead into us talking about the gospel and going into baptism with them. They were some of the most humble people I had ever met and there hearts were so opened to the Spirit we could feel. They then told us if they could get baptized again with them being baptized Catholic and we said of course, especially if you wanna remember it and so they said bet lets do it however they wanted to come to church which made sense. However, Zacario went out of town the next day and got stuck in LA with a broken down car, But Miguel has stayed committed the whole way, keeping every commitment we give, coming to church, meeting every other day, and accepted baptismal date for January 28th the next tuesday after he came to church. I have never seen a more prepared guy and it all came down to his humility and desire to find true joy. It was truly a miracle and with how much he's progressing we'll probably move the date to the 21st. It was a blessing for the both of us in being a test of faith when things seemed hopeless for a bit in the work but we kept asking and seeking miracles and I know that as we have a positive attitude through the tough times and show faith in Christ consistently, He answers our prayers. 

At Zone Conference this past week our mission president talked about embracing your inner Buffalo. He gave the analogy of how in Colorado in the plains (shoutout to the banda in CO) when there is a storm a cow runs away from the storm and the storm of course overruns them and they get stuck in the storm for a long period of time. However a Buffalo runs towards the storm and eventually passes through it after a short period of time. May each and everyone one of us embrace our inner Buffalo and not run away from our trials and our afflictions but face them head on. We have to realize they are there to strengthen us and to bring us more joy and learning and if we face them head on with an attitude focused on Jesus Christ, eventually will overcome them or learn to adapt and be happy with them.
 10 Therefore I take pleasure in ainfirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in bpersecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am cweak, then am I dstrong. 
I know that Christ brings us joy and peace in anything we face and that as we hold fast to him and love God and love our fellow men and humble ourselves to Him through the joy of repentance we will receive the eternal joy and grace of Christ that the Atonement of Jesus Christ has to offer. 
Les amo a todos muchos y que les vayan bien!!
Elder Plumb


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