I Love This Work

 Whats up everbody! These past two weeks we have found a ton of new people and about almost all of them are Nicaraguans who are tougher to understand because they dont prounounce there S's but they are hilarious and awesome people. We found a total of 23 people last week which was amazing for us. We had a big heat wave of it being in the 100s so everyone was out on the street which made it perfect. I have really grown a strong love for the latino people lately, as my Spanish has grown a lot recently it has been a huge blessing to be able to express that love and share the gospel with these people.

Despite how many people we found it was pretty rough with our baptismal dates. We had to drop all 5 of our baptismal dates last week. We finally met again with the Bello Cruz family this week and the kids are leaving Thursday to Mexico for a month and the parents are gonna be in Nebraska for a month working out there while there kids are in Mexico. They also had some cervezas with them and so we knew they weren't ready to make this step as well as the kids, who we saw would probably have a great chance of going inactive without the baptisms of the parents. But such a cool family that we love ad we pray and hope to meet up again with them when they get back. This next one was the biggest bummer. We also had to to drop our friend Diego who about a week before his baptism texted us that he wasn't interested anymore and that this wasn't something for him. We tried everything we could with him but ultimately we had to respect his decision. It was really hard and he was making such great progress too but we needed to move on from it and pray that us or some other missionaries in future change his mind again. 

We also had zone conference this past Tuesday which was great opportunity to learn as missionaries how we can get recent converts and members better involved in the work with inviting their friends to meet with us. Despite the drops in our people on date, elder Burrup and I have been making some really good progress with some other people who are praying about some dates right now for July. Our goal is to get 2 families we really love baptized before the end of the transfer before Elder Burrup goes home so we are really hoping we can finish this last transfer strong. Also something really cool is the change we have seen in are recent convert Gonzalo who we baptized about a month ago. He was going through a rough time when we first started to meet with him and now when we meet with him he is full of so much excitement and joy about things he is changing in his life and how grateful he is for us and the gospel which has been super cool to see.

Being out here on a mission has been the most stressful and hardest thing I have had to, but I love it more than anything else. I have never felt gods love more strongly in my life and in the lives others. To walk into a 1 bedroom rundown apartment shared by 5 latinos and teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Spirit in the room and with a goal to baptize these children of God is the greatest thing I can be doing right now and is what makes this hard work so fun. It has been so important for me to remember that everyone is a child of God and that anyone even in the worst circumstances of where it seems so unlikely to change can change because of the Atonement of Christ and His Gospel. I invite all of you to remember to not lose faith when things seem get most difficult and to remember you have a Heavenly Father who loves you who you can kneel down and counsel with for guidance and direction in your life. 

I love you all and hope everyone is doing great and appreciate hearing from you. God bless

1,2,3 the grind with the comp on these hot days

4 zone conference 
5. Cervechi 


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