The DAWG Pound

 Saludos a todos!!

Gilroy is going great! I have now just spent 1 transfer here(6 weeks) and I'll be staying here for another. My comp elder Thompson will be leaving unfortunately and I'll be getting a newer missionary again whose in his 3rd transfer named Elder Johnson who is actually the trainee of one of my trainees who I had a year back. So he'll be my grandson which we call on the mission haha. This transfer flew so quick that I totally always kept forgetting to write sorrrry but just keeping up the streak of once a month haha. I'll try to write more often though.

Gilroy and the work is great though down here and we are seeing good success miracles! It's a spanish branch down here that's struggling a bit  and we also cover the english ward here. We are working a lot with both though and have been getting the bike grind going. We also had our friend maria get baptized in the english ward yesterday which was such a great miracle to see! Such a great example of faith and strength, she never let Satan get her down at the toughest moments and she carried on to receive such a spiritual and eternal blessing of baptism. Something I learned as we went to the temple this past week is that the temple is not only the literal house of the Lord but also the DAWG Pound. To me the meaning of dawg is a true disciple of Jesus Christ and as I was sitting there in the celestial room something new that brought me joy was seeing the joy of the missionaries around me and I just thought to myself wow there's only dawgs in here haha but for real that's something new I really learned and felt in the temple is joying in others joy and it has well been something this whole past 6 weeks I have seen more. This month is the time to light the world and as you all go to serve and love those around you, you will find greater joy in the joy of others.

Yo se que vive mi Senor
Les amo!
Elder Plumb


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