Miracles in Menlo

 Que hongos todos!!! Menlo is going great right now, we are seeing many miracles and awesome progress in our ward and area. We right now have our friend Stefani Gurrola who is on date for July 30th who is part of a part-member family. We had worked a lot with the parents who were inactive for a bit and now for the last month of them being active we were able to get to know their son Junior, whose inactive and his girlfriend Stefani and their kids who live with them. We had an awesome virtual temple tour with them which works amazing miracles and we set a date for the 30th of July! Mainly so far out because they need to get married, and so much recently we have been working a lot with that. We also just had transfer calls and sadly after only being in Menlo for 6 weeks my companion Elder White is getting moved out to Hayward, which we were shocked about but I'm excited for Elder Biteman whose coming up. So for the moment I'll be here till early august which I'm hyped about and hope to stay as long as I can. We had some super spiritual miracles over the past couple weeks, one was with this guy we met in EPA named Junior. We had stopped by his place looking for an inactive member and ended up running into junior outside in the driveway. He was smoking and looked really sad and we ended up striking up a conversation with him. Found out he recently moved here and had gotten into a lot of rough stuff in the past including his friend getting killed by a gang in the LA area. We ended up giving him a blessing in a chair outside. Right about as we finished the blessing I felt this big force to the front of my head of an overwhelming feeling of love for this man and could feel the great amount of sadness he was going through. He was in tears after the blessing and told us he had never felt such peace in his life. We testified that it was the Spirit and the love that God had for him amidst the many mistakes he felt he had made. He was English speaking so we ended up getting him switched with the English missionaries. A week later he was put on date for baptism which was amazing to hear. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and as we bring Christ in our life we can receive a feeling of peace and love that is like no other but is eternal. I know that we can find pleasure and excitement to face our difficulties when we use Christ's Atonement in our lives and realize that those trials are there to strengthen us and change us to find more peace in this life and the life to come in the presence of our Heavenly Father with our families. I'm truly grateful for the 15 months I have had here in the San Jose California mission and am excited for what's ahead. Thank you all for your prayers and support and I hope yall are doing phenomenal! Que les vaya bien!!


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