Watsonville to Menlo Park

 Hey Everyone!! 

It has been awhile but I got transferred about 3 weeks ago from Watsonville after being their 3 transfers(about 4 months) to Menlo Park/Palo Alto/Redwood City area. It was sad to leave Watsonville and my comp Elder Smith for the 2 transfers together as well as Elder Salazar in the trio for 3 weeks and it was a bit unexpected but I'm involved in the Elders Quorum now up here and the Valparaiso 2nd Ward is awesome! The members are a lot of fun and I've gotten to connect really well with them and as well being in the Elders Quorum has helped a lot with unifying the members with missionary work. It's a bit different as we are working with a lot more inactive and returning members, but it works really great with getting members more active in their ministering assignments as well as helping us fellowship for those that we are teaching that are progressing towards baptism. There are a lot of awesome miracles and stories to share that I have experienced out here so I'll try to do better and write more often to share those haha but the work is great and we see blessing after blessing everyday. 

Yesterday on Easter I had the opportunity to go back to Watsonville and do the Confirmation for my friend Guadalupe who got baptized! It was a long time coming for her and she finally made the decision which brought a ton of joy when I heard. It was such an amazing spiritual experience to see her get baptized and like we always told her, she's the spark of light that will bring the rest of her family to that eternal blessing with her someday. Some other great news is our friends Carlos and Abraham here in Menlo Park are getting baptized as well this coming Saturday. Please pray for them in their decision, especially Carlos because his dad is very against it right now. 

The mission has been great though and just been absolutely life changing in the 13 months I've been out through the people I've served with and met. Love you all and keep me updated!!


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