
 Hello everyone. It has been quite a while since I have written but it is going great here in Watsonville, California! I am currently with Elder Smith and he is a great companion and we are witnessing so many miracles each day.  The people are great and I am enjoying it a lot!  In the past 2 months we have been teaching some awesome people and currently have 7 people on date for baptism - Richardo, Martha(mom), Martha(daughter) Melony and Michelle(The Herrara Family) as well as Marine and Fermine.  Fermine has had a drug addiction problem his whole life and has been completely clean now for 3 weeks. The members of our church out here are fellowshipping him so well and he is committed to changing his life.  He is an amazing example!  

I love being a zone leader here and our zone is killing it each and every week! We have had some great miraculous experiences in this area.  One of the great miracles I have seen is from the Herrera Family.  About a month ago, we were teaching Michelle, one of the daughters, about the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing Joseph Smith's story with her because she had been at work most of the time during the other lessons with the family. We also decided to teach her in English since she knows it well. Richardo knows a little English and Martha, his wife, does not know any English.  Well during this lesson, Richardo shared with us that before we had come he had been seeking for truth and wondering where to find it.  He was praying for guidance from God.  The next day was when we knocked on his door! He shared his testimony that he knows God answered his prayer with us knocking on his door.  He shared that he knows the things we are teaching are true.  Another interesting thing is he shared this with us in the best English he knew and his wife doesn't know any English and yet was in tears.  It was crazy to see the power of the spirit and that you don't need to understand what is said sometimes but you can feel truthfulness through the power of the spirit.  As Richardo bore his testimony in English, his wife was emotional because the spirit was bearing witness to her of the truthfulness of what her husband was saying. She could sense the power and sacredness of his words even though she didn't know what he was saying. Love the Spirit of God! 
I know the spirit of God is so key in our lives and that God is a God of miracles and invites us to search and understand how to invite His spirit into our lives each and every moment and day.
Love you all - 
Elder Jack Plumb


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