Embrace The Suck

 Que pasa todos ustedes!!!

So my p-day got switched to wednesday's now. Also this is my last week in the CCM! Crazy how fast it has flown by, but I have learned a lot and am ready to head out to San Jose. 

This past week and half was very up and down. We started out the week beginning to start teaching out of the lessons of Preach My Gospel in Spanish and explaining scriptures in Spanish which was a big step up for the District. It was really tough at first, but through more and more practice and trusting in God, I have made great improvement. A lot of times I felt like I was not doing as good in the language as I should and that my abilities weren't the best. But something that has really helped not get discouraged and to keep pushing is that your choices show who you are far more than your abilities and as long as we are making the right choices and putting in the effort a step at a time, having faith in God, good outcomes will arise. 
This past Saturday The District and I said goodbye to one of our Spanish teachers, Hermana Gaona, which was sad she couldn't be with us for our last week, but she was a great teacher who really helped bring the energy into the room and would always make us laugh with here hilarious mannerisms when she was trying to explain a word in Spanish that we didn't know haha. Couldn't be more grateful for my companion, district, and teachers though as they all keep me spiritually and mentally uplifted through the weeks. 
At the start of this week, our teachers gave us a challenge called the SYL (Speak Your Language) challenge. We had already been speaking spanish in class but this meant that for the last week we were to speak spanish in our companion studies, district hangouts and with our families. It has so far been pretty tough especially with my family because none of them speak Spanish, and so it gives me a headache sometimes trying to get them to understand what I'm saying haha. But from what Elder Resendiz said we got to "Embrace the suck." Elder Ashby and I are doing a killer job with speaking Spanish to each other in our companion study though, which is definitely a plus. 

That's about it for me as I am really looking to finish out the last week strong.
Miss y'all and hope everyone is doing great! Feel free to email, would love to hear from all of you!

-Hermano Plumb


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