Temple and New Year

 Hey everyone!! Watsonville California is great and the mission is great! We had an awesome temple trip and endowment session a couple weeks ago and it was so awesome being back in the temple to do that. It was only my second time doing an endowment session so it was a really great spiritual experience. We also had transfer calls on Saturday and so I'm going to now be a ZL (zone leader) here in Watsonville and will be in a trio with the two other zl's until one leaves to Chile for his original mission assignment on the 13th. Gonna be a great next transfer and am super excited for it, such a great mission with an awesome mission president and missionaries sacrificing time with families, work, and school to be out here.. A lot of great new goals that we have set for the new year. A big one is our goal to jump from our 2021 goal of 400 baptisms, that we were so close to hitting, to a new goal of 2,000 for 2022, after we had a mission conference from Elder Revilio, a member of the seventy to times our baptism ×5 for the new year. Its a crazy big jump but I know its possible if we push to be ALL IN and exactly obedient in the work to get it done and change many lives. 

Going to be such a great new year though, but I'll keep it short for today. Hope everyone is doing awesome though, love hearing from you guys! 

Dios les bendiga 


                        Jack and Elder Tanner McKeon (serving in Oakland,CA mission)


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