La tierra promesa

 Hello everyone!! I love it here in Watsonville California! Right now I have been here for about 3 weeks in the middle of the transfer and I am the DL and follow up training Elder Evenson who is hilarious. 

Im writing on a Thursday right now because our pday this week is today because we are currently on the way to the Oakland Temple to do an endowment session and I will talk more about that next email. 

The people here are great in Watsonville. Truly the promised land out here. Lots of strawberry fields and beautiful green hills and valleys out here. The people are so humble and so many are willing and seeking for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives and families. The spanish members out here are just a group and we cover the english ward and the spanish group out here. There pretty small but lots of funny, great people and a lot of work to do to strengthen the church down here. Last week we put our friend Guadalupe on date for baptism. She is so loving and a big talker haha. Such a stud though and loves the idea of eternal families that come through the gospel of Jesus Christ and wants to get her husband and the rest of her family baptized right after her, which is sick.

The mission is amazing,  one of the greatest blessings that I have had in my life. I have met and served around and with such amazing missionaries and have met so many amazing people in San Jose and Watsonville. It brings me so much joy in my life and it does the same to all who come to and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives. It is truly the solution to all problems and afflictions of the world and our own personal lives. 

Hope everyone has a good Christmas season and here's a montón of photos with me and my districts Christmas card as well!

Strawberry pickin
The Zone 
My compa
Watsonville elderes Christmas card
The district Christmas card
Good views


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