Good Herbz and Gerrari

 Como estamos todos!! All is going well in San Jose California! I have been serving in East San Jose for about 6 weeks and almost 9 months on the mission and the transfer has come to the close. I love the Yerba Buena(Good Herbs) ward and the members are great in helping out in the work and are hilarious. We have family home evening nights every other week and there is always fun Spanish karaoke and games with the members. I am District leader and training here and my comp Elder Nakaya is hilarious. He has a lot of work to do on his Spanish haha but he is a big go getter so it he has been progressing well. Also one of the nicest kids I know and always knows how to put himself in a good mood.

We have 3 main friends that we are teaching who are all progressing well. Their names are Arturo, Ingrid, and Jaime. Jaime is on date for baptism this next Saturday and he passed his interview so we are super excited for him. His wife he recently married right before the pandemic is a member and had introduced him to the church and just showed up to church with him and he just sat in elder quorum meeting and came up to us, introduced himself, and said he wanted to be baptized. Wow what a miracle! it was super exciting for us as it was pretty cool to walk into just being my 2nd Sunday in the new area. He is such an awesome guy though after we had his interview he asked if he could bring his friend to church and his friend came and now we're teaching him as well, so awesome. Our friend Arturo will also be on date however he needs to wait to the start on the new year when his probation is up. But right he is basically a member and helps us out in other lessons even. He is also so funny and will miss him a ton when I leave East San Jose. He has a pet snake(chavela) that lives in his car and he's got this really old 1993 honda accord that he calls the Garrari because he likes to think of it as a Ferrari but also knows it garbage haha, love the guy. Some other quick highlights from the week is we have a friend named RT, who is really popular among a lot of missionaries and takes them out to dinner a lot. So he takes a couple missionaries and us from our zone out to dinner on every Monday and will read the Book of Mormon with him. He is super funny and gives us all nicknames and is slowly getting more and more interested. He isn't super interested but loves the missionaries and will come visit when I'm down in Santa Cruz.

Oh and by the way we had transfer calls yesterday and I'm going to now be serving in Santa Cruz. I will mainly be in Watsonville because that is the Spanish area and so Ill be around the strawberry fields a lot. Super excited for it and it is considered the promise land and mini Mexico for Spanish missionaries so cant wait. However it was definitely a big shock and I was only in East San Jose for 6 weeks and was also expecting to finish Elder Nakayas training, but President and God had otherwise. I'm sad to leave my son Elder Nakaya and the people of east San Jose as I like it a lot out here so that makes it tough but at least I got called to the place I wanted to go most haha. I'm sure I will be back in the San Jose area in the future on my mission though. Jaimes baptism will also be this Saturday so hopefully I'll be able to travel up for that. 

Today I wanted to share a quote from Elder Bednar that has really stuck with me this transfer and has helped me a lot the last couple of weeks in the work. He says,

"If you lose yourself in others and you obtain the character of Christ, you'll find yourself but you won't be looking for it"

As we look to give of ourselves and put others first in our lives as Christ did and apply those christlike attributes of love, virtue, diligence, patience, obedience, and so on, will improve in our own needs, struggles, and selves more than if we were focusing on ourselves rather than others. That is something that I have really realized is so important and in the struggles I have, become way more simple and easier to overcome as I actually focus less on myself and more on others, and it has brought me so much joy and peace because of it and makes life that much simpler and enjoyable in a chaotic world. So instead look at how you can be a light in a world of turmoil and turn outward rather than inward. How can you look each day to put others first and put on the character of Jesus Christ? 

Gracias Todos! I love yall and hope everyone is doing swell. Also HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

Love Elder Plumb

Lots of fotos:
1. Intestine from a cow at Vietnamese restaurant 
2. Beast ward mission leader alejo 
3. Dinner with the Sanchez 
4. Nacho libre mask from sj flea market
5. Arturo 
6 the compa elder Nakaya
7. Spanish elders with the viets
8. Elder cheevers bay
9.added some lights to the apt
10. Free mangos from our guy salvador 
11. Second harvest
12. The pops (trainer) elder burrup visited
13. Dinner with RT


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