6 and half months in the Greatest place and work

 What's up everybody!!! Been a while again but things are going good here in the Saratoga area. Loving this branch as they are so close to a Ward and will probably get there in November. There are about two weeks left in the transfer and I got informed at interviews with my mission president that I will be leaving the area next transfer, so sadly I will miss so many of the great people here and the members of the San Tomas Branch, easily we have one the best branch mission leaders, but I will be on to big and better things wherever they need me. Not sure where I'm headed but right now just focusing on the work here at Saratoga. My comp who I'm training is Elder Brasher. He gets really down on himself for feeling he's not doing enough and loses his confidence easily but he's a really hard worker and humble guy which pays off as he has improved a lot in the language and is building confidence each day.

This week was great though as we found 72 people to teach as a zone(being 6 companionships), which was awesome for our mission! Our companionship found 32 of them, so the back was hurting a little bit ugh but nah everyone in our zone is killing it! Fun times and great miracles are going on here in the Saratoga zone. It has been awesome for me to see  Luis and Karina our recent converts just grow so much and have this wonderful gift of the holy ghost in their lives. It is so awesome to see the change from these people when their first being taught to after they enter the waters of baptism and make binding covenants with their Heavenly Father. Nothing makes me happier and truly with the many difficulties that arise out here, I have learned and grown so much, and as the title says I am in the greatest place and work, and I am so excited to enjoy 18 more months of it. 

One thing I have really learned a lot about in this transfer is about the gift of charity/love. It truly never fails and I have realized in whatever tough circumstances we are in, showing that pure love of Christ and giving of ourselves to others makes those big tough things seem small and it has brought me a lot of hope and joy out here. What are some ways we can give of ourselves to help someone else? 

Love you all so much! 

Dios le ama! God bless!!

Exchanges, new comp, zone, district, fire staff,  friend from Watsonville, and Xander 


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