Mariachi bands and A temple trip

 Hey everybody! How has everyone been? A lot has happened the last two weeks. The first week was pretty rough for us. So we had our friend julia on date for  May 22nd and she was doing so great but stopped answering us a couple days before the baptism, and we still havent been able to get in contact for the most part which has been really tough but she still gets on our church zooms so we will continue to try and reach out and meet with her again. We also had our family the Bello Cruz who are awesome and had on date on May 29th. So they had been out of town for awhile and about a week and half before their baptism we finally got a good time to come by their place to teach them the word of wisdom. They let us in and inside our about 20 people with about 8 racks of modelos in the living room. So that was super frustrating for us as when we finally found a good time to talk to them about drinking we walk into them doing exactly that. But they gave us some good mexican food and low key apologized to us before we left, which was helpful to know they knew it they shouldn't. But we have continued to stay in touch with them. Some good news though for baptisms is we will be baptizing our friend Gonzalo this Saturday. He was a pass off from the sisters in our district from a couple weeks ago and has made great progress with us and couldnt be more ready. 

For some fun events the last two weeks one of our recent converts had their 50th birthday and had a mariachi band at their place which was a ton of fun. This last p day our mission had a temple trip with our recent converts and we did baptisms for the dead with them. Only a few missionaries  were able to go and elder burrup and I got to go with his two recent converts he baptized in castroville, near monterrey. It was such a great spiritual experience to be in there and witness our recent  converts perform those saving ordinances for those who werent able to do so. I also ran into the legend Elder Mckeon while I was their who is serving in Oakland and it was great getting to catch up with him as Oakland couldnt be more blessed to have him.

Thats about it for this week. The language and experience out here gets better and better each week. A big thing that has helped a lot is faith and patience. Whatever it is that we are trying to learn and improve on in life, we should focus our attention on faith in Jesus Christ and trust in Him that as we look to give it our give it our all, God will do the rest to get us to where we need to be. We should eliminate the doubt we face and exercise faith in Christ. Our faith will always move us forward as God never fails us.

Hope everyone is doing great and I'd love to hear from you all. God bless and peep the new haircut


1,2 Mariachi Band and Martha's 50th.
3 Soccer on exchanges with Elder Call
4,5 Oakland temple

Elder (Tanner) McKeon serving in the Oakland CA mission and Jack meet up at the Oakland Temple!


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