Becoming a Father and Uncle

 Hey Everybody! Sorry it has been awhile but a lot of awesome things have happened this transfer. As well as it has flown by and come to an end. From the title, first just wanna congratulate my sister and brother in law on having a baby girl, you did it and ya boy's gonna be an uncle! Also I'm gonna be follow up training a missionary into his 2nd transfer who is switching from the english program to the spanish. Very wise decision and I couldn't be more excited to welcome him into the program. Elder Powell is dying off and has finished his 2 year mission and so this missionary that is coming is named Elder Brasher. With the new transfer coming in it will make it about 5 and half months in Saratoga/Campbell zone and I love it here! Really strong branch that is close to being a ward and so I hope I am here when that change happens. 

Also for some of the big highlights we had a baptism last week for our friends Luis and Karina. Such a strong faithful couple that really didn't let any easy distractions get in the way of this great step in their life and were so happy as well warmly welcomed into the branch after their baptism. We also got our friend Lili on date for September 12th, she is 11 and her dad has finally given her permission and for her to choose for herself to be baptized and she is really excited and really wants to make this choice, and we are really excited and hoping to get her ready for that date. Also our friend Francisco is on date for September 25th and is making really good progress to get himself ready. Other than that this transfer was filled with a lot of good fun with the zone, some good exchanges, and great miracles. I'll try starting to write more, I know yall miss me and my emails, so I gotta give the people what they want. But love you all and please write me to see how yall are doing, love hearing from you even if I dont write back haha, but just remember that God always does and loves you all! God bless!

PS-This is what I wrote to our President Smith about our newly baptized converts, Luis and Karina:

Luis and Karina are absolutely amazing, they were a self referral to Elder King and Call at first and were in and out of contact for a while until Elder Davidson and I met them after the second lesson we felt inspired to put them on date in August, after that everything went extremely well. We had constant contact with them and good friends to invite them to church. Occasionally they would have work but they would catch back up fast. When the time came for baptism they were nervous but ready. Afterwards you could see the the Holy Spirit work in them. Truly some of the Lord's elect here in the San Jose area.

1, 6: exchanges with Elder Porter and Brown
2, 5: the district
3, 7: The zone at ihop and golfland
4: Luis and Karina's baptism
8: Nice sunrise on the track 


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