San Jose Bound!

 What's up everybody! I have been in San jose for two weeks now and I'm loving it. It has definitely been challenging and stressful with the new transition and new information to take in, but each day I see myself improve. I got in on April 20th and met my mission president and my companion and had a bomb dinner at his house that some sisters in the ward made. My companions name is Elder Burrup and he is awesome. We all call him elder burro tho because thats what the Latinos call him. We get along great tho and he is extremely determined to get the Lord's work done and pushes me to do the same. My district and zone are also great and every tuesday we get a sweet meal after zone and district council from a member in the Saratoga stake and it is rica (delicious), which is a big win since we don't get many meals from members.

With covid calming down, we are able to go in people's house and go out and find people which is awesome. This past Thursday Elder Burrup and I had an awesome Spiritual experience. So we hadn't been able to get in contact with with these recent converts Alberto and Erica for 4 weeks. While we were in the car finishing up the day and heading back to the apartment, my comp brought up how we had forgotten to go their and then so we thought will just check on them tomorrow and so a couple minutes go by I just kept getting a thought in my head that we needed to go see Alberto and Erica and so I looked at my comp and told him we gotta stop by their house now and he immediately said yep and turned the car around haha. We got to there house and they were there. So that was super cool, but apparently they had been up in San Francisco for work and had just been super busy but they are  doing great and got them to make it to church this past sunday. The spirit was  really there for us to help us finally get in contact with our friends which we were so grateful for. We have a couple families with baptismal dates and we have a date scheduled this saturday for our friend Ricardo, which we are super excited for. Ricardo is 19 and is hilarious. He lives with his younger brother and grandparents who are all recent converts and he also speaks mainly English, so I have been able to get to know him really well, as my spanish is still coming along haha. We talked to him this past Saturday about his baptism and he gave us a great spiritual testimony about the Atonement which was awesome for just how far he has come. First p day last week was great. We played basketball at the church, had chick fil a, and went to the mall and finished with a grind on 4 lessons to end the day. Yesterday was Elder Call in my districts birthday so he hooked us up to take the whole district to Fogo de Chao on p day today which was this amazing Brazilian buffet restaurant, so that was super fun. 

That's about it for now but I hope everything is going great with everybody! Fill free to send me email. God bless yall.


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