
Sad Goodbye to Menlo Park

  Que pasa Calabasas!!! Happy Halloween everyone!! Welp unfortunately as yall probably know by the title of this email that I am no longer in Menlo Park, tough one for real. We had transfers last Monday and I am now serving in Gilroy, CA. My comps name is Elder Thompson and he is only in his 2nd transfer(6 weeks in). He's got a great heart for the work and those around him and super humble so I'm excited to learn a lot from him and help train him so more. As well I'm on bikes again haha because your boy doesn't have driving privelages for rest of mission because he likes to speed and my new comp accidently threw his wallet in the trash so he doesn't have a license haha but its great! We cover the whole city of Gilroy and are the only missionaries that live here which has been exciting to get back in shape but also a bit lonely. The work here is aweosome though, it reminds me a lot of Wastonville but a bit bigger and we have already seen some really cool miracles!  T

Members in the Lord's Work

  Saludos a todos!!! This email forgot to get sent out 2 weeks ago lol but her yall go. We had an awesome past couple of weeks here in Menlo Park. I have been here now about a total of 7 and half months and transfers are this upcoming week so I belief I most very likely will be out which will be tough but trying to make the most and get the most done in this area to leave it off strong.  We have really kicked it off with some awesome new people that we are teaching and there have been some awesome miracles from it. From this past Wednesday we had zone conference going on up till 5:30 with a lesson every 30 min after so it was a super busy day. When we got to our 7:45 apt at the church that was with some of our friends, that are members Jose and Talache were bringing, they told us they weren't gonna get there till 8:15 and we had a lesson up in redwood city at 8:30. So we then decided to ask one of our other member friends hno Zárate who was already there for the lesson to see if he

7 & Half Months in Menlo

 Hello everyone I'm doing great here in Menlo Park! I'm still here which is great and going on 5 transfers which is crazy and exciting and will make it a little over 7 months here. I love it here and it will be tough to leave when I do in probably late October. We had Julian's baptism a couple weeks back which was super cool to see and General Conference this past weekend which was a great experience as well to hear from the prophet and apostles of God. I'm alive and well though and gotta keep it short this week unfortunately but will talk more about the Conference and the miracles and experiences I'm seeing out here in California next week! I love yall and so does Jesus Christ! Hasta la próxima! Dios les bendiga!

Divine Potential

  Como estamos!!! Sorry it has been so long everyone! I'm still in Menlo Park and now 4 weeks into my 4th transfer here. I have a new companion again and his name is Elder Banks and he's a stud! He's a great example of love that he shows to all and has great high energy in getting the work done.  It has been so cool to see all that has happened since I have been in Menlo, a big one being the baptism of Stefani Gurrola. She was so determined the whole time to not let adversity stand in her way. It was such a really cool spiritual experience to see the change of this family, starting from the parents, to her husband junior and then her, it's an experience I'll never forget. We went over to the house 2 days after the baptism last week and the whole time we could just see a countenance change in her. We asked her to give the closing prayer and she just smiled the whole time and gave an amazing prayer and the spirit was so strong to just feel and see the change of this l