The 2 Great Commandments

Buenas tardes a todos!!! It has been awhile and a lot has happened but things are going great! I got a new companion back in mid January named Elder Godfrey and I stayed here in Gilroy to finish my last transfer here which is nuts. I'm loving it here though our friend from my last email Miguel got baptized on the 29th of January and it was so amazing to see. Miguel has taught me a lot about the importance of loving God and loving your fellow men in his great humility and faith he has. In a lesson with him with one of our members we were sharing more on tithing. The lesson wasn't even about tithing but I'll share a little bit about Miguel's background first. Hes a 19 year old from Guerrero, Mexico and his first language is a mexican dialect. A lot of latinos come to America to live a better life and live the american dream and as well to provide more money to send for their families back home, it can be very difficult to cross the border so a lot will hire "coyote...