A Test of Faith and Embracing Your Inner Buffalo

Como estamos!!! The work is going good here in Gilroy and we have seen some good stuff happen lately. I have a new companion whose name is Elder Johnson and we are nearing the end of the transfer together and will probably go another which would make it my last one which is weird to think about. A miracle we saw last week, after not having a lot of progress with our friends since maria's baptism, was with our friend Miguel and his uncle Zacario. We had received a referral from the Spanish sisters in Hollister about him wanting to learn more Spanish which is ironic with him being from Mexico but his first language is actually Mixteco which is a dialect down there. However when we met him, he could communicate pretty good and after telling us about wanting to learn more Spanish we asked if he was down to do it at our church 5 minutes away and so he grabbed his uncle to give him a ride and had a really good disc...