The DAWG Pound

Saludos a todos!! Gilroy is going great! I have now just spent 1 transfer here(6 weeks) and I'll be staying here for another. My comp elder Thompson will be leaving unfortunately and I'll be getting a newer missionary again whose in his 3rd transfer named Elder Johnson who is actually the trainee of one of my trainees who I had a year back. So he'll be my grandson which we call on the mission haha. This transfer flew so quick that I totally always kept forgetting to write sorrrry but just keeping up the streak of once a month haha. I'll try to write more often though. Gilroy and the work is great though down here and we are seeing good success miracles! It's a spanish branch down here that's struggling a bit and we also cover the english ward here. We are working a lot with both though and have been getting the bike grind going. We also had our friend maria get baptized in the english ward yesterday which was such a great miracle to see! Such a great example ...