Out Of Training

Hey everyone!! Sorry it has been awhile since I have written an email haha. But wow a lot has happened. I am now in my first week out of training and am in the same area of Campbell California. My trainer Elder Burrup went home last week finishing his mission and it was sad to see for me but am so grateful for all he taught me. We became good friends while we were out here together and he truly changed my mission. He was a heck of missionary that taught me so much about having a good work ethic and how to really nurture the people we teach and help them see that vision to be baptized. I'll never forget the example he set as a missionary that I push to follow every day. I a lot of good stuff has happened but all I'll say about these last 3 weeks to keep it shorter is that a lot fun times and spiritual and mental growth has happened in me and in the people we are teaching. We now have 4 spanish companionship instead of 6 so me and one of the other elders who stayed merged our...